
Taylor Green
Onum has increased our traffic, keywords, and conversion. We’ve enjoyed working with them and consider them a strategic business partner.
Taylor Green
Client of Company
Emilia Clarke
I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.
Emilia Clarke
Maria Kloop
Onum has increased our traffic, keywords, and conversion. We’ve enjoyed working with them and consider them a strategic business partner.
Maria Kloop
they say

What They Say
About Our Company?


History of Guardian Connect

Guardian Fueling Technologies is the leading provider of innovative fuel system solutions and premier maintenance services across the Southeastern United States.  With a core culture of delivering service excellence, Guardian engaged quickly as connected technology began to emerge in the c-store space for equipment monitoring and remote service management.
Testing of connected technology began across the company footprint in 2018 with engagement from an industry leading manufacturer to commercialize the offering.   The goal of the connection is to improve uptime and maximize profits for the c-store operator and increase the customer service experience for their fuel buyers.  The Guardian Connect division was launched in 2019 to further refine and leverage the technology and improve the speed and accuracy of service delivery for connected sites.
Today, Guardian Connect is the leading connected service provider in the United States, by far with over 4,000 connected devices – and growing.  Innovation continues to occur at Guardian Connect and the drive for faster more effective service at a reduced costs continues to be a driving passion for our team.